if you previously had access to the slides the information is still here.
this website will remain up as an archive of information for those who seek it out of moral reasoning not to interact with the individual. thank you dearly to those of you that supported me; please do not contact me about the situation further.
if you yourself are struggling, it gets easier

this is my account of the abuse i have received from Luca G, born 2005, known online as Wilde (wildecat2005, Wilde Cat#9970)the events shown in this carrd occurred from 2019 until 2023
he is 18 as of updating this (30/09/23)
these are not allegations or accusations - he has confessed.it will include a key of what he has and hasn't apologized for.

SECTION 1: Grooming

before i begin, i should make it clear that due to the nature of this event, my evidence of all that happened on my old account is very scattered, however, as well as the proof i do have, he has confessed to the events described (screenshots will be attached).i would also like to point out that at age 14 you can't accidentally coerce an 11 year old child into doing erotic roleplay with you.the national society for the prevention of cruelty to children defines grooming as when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. they also make it clear that anybody can be a groomer, no matter their age. i will not be further defending my terminology.this is included purely because attempts have been made in the past by others to denounce me. he has not once denied that he groomed me.

for clarification, i will be using dd/mm/yyyy for dates

12/4/2019: me & wilde start talking on discord. i was 10 years old (i'm ~15 as of writing this), we had a 3 year age gap. our conversations were of a lighthearted nature, and we mostly discussed roblox games and our other interests. in no way did i ever insinuate that i desired a sexual relationship with him. we had a dystopian action roleplay storyline that we'd regularly partake in, but there was never undertones of any connection other than platonic.
15/08/2019: by this date, i was 11 & wilde was 14 (his birthdate is 25/05/2005). out of the blue during one of the normal roleplay sessions we would have, he told me he wanted to ask a question. when i asked him to elaborate, he said the following:

this was completely out of the blue & frankly i felt frozen. i didn't know what to say and as he had built up a close relationship with me over 4 months, i was afraid to say no. i did not say yes, i avoided the question as much as i could. when i avoided it, he would coerce me still "in roleplay" without referring to himself in 1st person, concealing the full nature of this behaviour.

during this conversation i expressed intense discomfort. because i was reluctant to answer, he told me i only had to "sign a paper" to which i wrote in return that i had drawn all over it, scribbled over the "yes" box to remove it, and discarded the paper. he continued to press, and acknowledged my discomfort by saying things such as "oh i hate me too...".

he has apologized for this specific event, in 2022.after this date, until april 2022, wilde regularly pressured me into erotic roleplay, and this eventually became the "norm" which i had accepted. when others would warn me about his actions, he would downtalk them. this included my family, who i became very isolated from over the years.
there are at least 389 separate accounts of him participating in this with me, so obviously i won't be including them all.
for an idea of how frequently he'd initiate this with me, here are some dates i've collected where it took place:
— 20/04/2022
— 15/04/2022
— 14/04/2022
— 11/04/2022
— 06/11/2021
— 13/11/2021
— 18/11/2021
— 05/09/2021
— 06/09/2021
— 04/08/2020
— 05/08/2020
— 06/08/2020
— 06/07/2020
— 07/07/2020
though he has apologized in the past, he still continued his behaviour afterwards and i therefore cannot mark this as something he's truly apologized for. his behaviour only ended once i ceased contact with him (see the april incident later in this carrd)

SECTION 2: Exploitation

31/03/2020: i was still 11 when this occured. wilde was in a voicecall with me when he started pressuring me into turning my webcam on and masturbating. i expressed how repulsed i was at this, and being extremely reluctant to do it. he continued to pressure me, and when i said no he told me that because he had turned his webcam on (despite nobody wanting him to do that at all), it was "only fair" and i owed it to him.
he continued to masturbate in call with his mic on, and occasionally webcam, without warning on ~8 occasions during 2021.

as these screenshots do not provide context, here is his confession to the event, as well as his apology.

he has apologized for what he did, as you can see, but if we're being serious this isn't even youtuber-standard :skull: + he was still masturbating in calls out of nowhere around the time of him sending this.

not really sure what to say about this one but at some point in 2022 wilde was caught looking for cp on rule34 lolthe second screenshot is another incident where wilde didn't tell a 12 year old his exact age, claiming he "doesn't remember", and continued to interact with them after finding out they were 12.this one speaks for itself:

i didnt even do anything but all the time on our minecraft server he'd try to make me erp with him (i was 12-13 when this went on), this wasn't just exclusive to discord! he did it in roblox too. literally any time i talked to him.i'm not the only person he erpd with while they were under 13, but i will not speak on behalf of their experiences & the ones i am aware of do not consider themselves victims of coercion, or do not wish to speak about it.he has apologized for this, in 2022.

SECTION 3: Abuse, Homophobia, Ableism#1: Abuse

none of this is roleplay!
the first screenshots are from:
2020, 2021, 2021, 2022, 2022
my account of this is as follows. in 2021, wilde, criticizing the way i store my passwords, said he'd share his password manager with me. since i trusted him so much, i agreed, and started to store all my information on his account. when i first tried to cut him off in 2022, he forced me to remain his friend by locking me out of the password manager and threatening me. this is the last couple screenshots, and occured 4 days after my birthday! (thanks)
he has not apologized, but he's acknowledged it was wrong#2: Homophobia/Transphobia, Ableism & Sexualising my disability

wilde is a cishet ablebodied person. in 2021 he was 16 years old. there is no excuse for that.also context to the "why didn't you set it to male" screenshot is where he made a sim of me when i was 12 (that didn't look like me at all btw so his excuse is bs) a female w huge breasts lmao (im a transgender man).he has not apologized, even for the events shown in the first 2 screenshots. he proceeded to make comment like "are you mad at me?" , "i'm a terrible person i know" etc. in order to guilt trip me.

SECTION 4: 2023 Stalking & HarassmentAfter cutting contact with him, he started cyberstalking my accounts, harassing me and trash-talking me in his server NOClub, encouraging this group mentality that seeking out my accounts is funny.
He also jokes about his abuse towards me, and paints himself as the victim. The 4th image shows one of his associates pointing out he has my private account bookmarked.
I have nothing against the members of this server, regardless of their opinion on me or wilde. Please do not go out of your way to harass them or contact them; the majority are not even aware of what he did.
He anonymously sent 25 questions to my curiouscat. It was firmly stated that he should make no contact with me, but he did so by friend requesting me on New Year's and interacting with that account. I no longer use CC.24/08 update ;;
the final screenshot is the transcript of dialogue from a roblox game. it depicts his fantasy where he talks to the 6 year old version of me and uses a username i went by at that age, when he didn't know me. this was discovered on 15/08/23, and has since been removed at the request of someone other than me. i was not aware of the situation until they told me, and i've made no attempt to contact him about it.
it's incredibly weird for him to put that kind of information of mine in his game let alone include content about me at all, especially considering this is from way after the initial release of this document in march 2023 & i'm writing this in august 2023. he's still using his actions as a way to get attention and victimise himself + get pity at the time of me writing this, rather than take any sort of break from the internet.he has not apologized for any of this, and doesn't seem to intend to.

there's a lot I don't have the space to include in this carrd (50 element limit) but I would prefer not to discuss any of this anymore so please do not contact me about it.I have also done things! I deleted his 2nd server, The Players, in 2022, in an attempt to deplatform him. This was immature of me, and I created NOClub to make up for it before transferring ownership to him and requesting I have no association with the server. I've profusely and fully apologized for everything I've done in retaliation to him multiple times, including in call.SECTION 5: Extra
most of these are irrelevant to my experiences with him, but wilde has defended neo-nazis & i feel like that's important information to include.
the first 3 screenshots are from a bait account & happened in 2022, the last 2 are about an admin in his first server; wilde's friend server. he was openly a holocaust denier, yet wilde refused to demote him for months. that happened in 2020, but clearly he hasn't changed as a person.the last couple screenshots are wilde admitting he used to be racist, and proof of his weird obsession with china (he'd frequently send me videos about chinese political affairs despite me telling him several times i was uncomfortable discussing any of it. the majority was obvious anti-chinese propaganda.)he has also said the n slur hundreds of times, but i can't find a screenshot of this. he used it frequently as late as 2019, but tried to encourage me to say slurs i couldn't reclaim as a "fuck cancel culture" thing (lmao?) in 2021 which i called him out for & he changed the subject.he has not apologized for any of this, and he was still reluctant when he did eventually demote the admin mentioned.